Eero 4. zenete
Sofi&Theoo 2006.03.06. 16:27
 05.03.2006 hello, we are almost finished with the japanese tour. found this funny door in osaka. we made a visit to kyoto where we saw beautiful temples and forests, especially the zen monastery or resthouse felt good to me. i think it was called ryokaishi-gu or something similar... these places must have been very serene and beautiful at the times when there were no big cities around here... also the springs at the temples were very captivating. the air is clear and the weather good, we got some nice panoramic pics over kyoto. today we played a festival called independence-D, it was a good experience, a challenge for us as there was audience from other bands as well, and the rasmus fans made a good job encouraging the others to party on with them and i enjoyed the concert well. i think we are making a good advance in building up a fanbase in japan. big thanks to the band called Muck, which probably is the main reason for us to have the precious slot in the festival... they put on a great show! (and you should check out their stuff too) thanks to all of you who came to see us at the concerts, and we hope that we can come soon again to the land of sushi and sake! Sayonara!